Friday, April 25, 2014

When I Grow Up...

I want to work on a turtle farm.

Here is LK with her new friend, Splashy.  She named him this as he was quite the splashy turtle.  Could it be because a nearly six year old was relentlessly chasing him around the turtle tank?  Possibly.

We were on to the dolphins next.  We made a new friend in Newton, a very sweet dolphin.  We each gave Newton a kiss (even Daddy).  When Mama kissed him, she left her pink lipstick on his snout.  Newton didn't seem to mind.

A beautiful day making wonderful family memories in Grand Cayman.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Great Egg Hunt

 What to Wear in Pursuit of the Golden Egg

Main Fashion Accessory for an Easter Egg Hunt?  A basket, of course!

This year we didn't find the golden egg, but we had a lot of fun looking for it.



Monday, April 14, 2014

Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder how some things get accomplished?  Did your mother ever tell you that little fairies must have (you fill in the blank)?

Well, in this case, it is quite true.  A little fairy did help with the Easter tablescape photo shoot for Positively Chic blog.

I couldn't have a more precious helper!


Friday, April 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Tee Tee!

Lily Kate and Tee Tee (Fall 2013)

Thinking of one of the most special people in our world on this her special day.  
Happy Birthday to our Tee Tee!
We love you!